If you didn’t know I was a HUGE theater kid in college. I lived and breathed all things musical in nature and coated in a thick layer of stage makeup. It was (and still is) one of my favorite things in the universe and I am so grateful to have been a part of this theater group with the incredible people who made it up.
So naturally, when they put on their annual spring show, I knew I had to attend as many times as possible. This year, they performed “Cabaret” and goodness gracious was it beautiful. Everyone did an incredible job and I could not have been any more proud (and I’m sure everyone there knew judging by the roughly 6 dozen flowers I brought with me to pass out to all of the cast members). I don’t have a recording of the show – though I dearly wish that I did – but I do have these photos that I thought I would share with the world.
They also very kindly invited me to go post-show bowling with them where the annual “Troeger-Bowl” occurred, which is a tradition in which I can only explain as we all trust our music director so dearly that we let him roll a 10-pound ball through our legs. And this year he got a strike which has NEVER HAPPENED AND WE WERE EXCITED. Just everything about this weekend was delightful, and boy oh boy do I miss my little stage-going buddies.
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome…