In rural Ohio, Brandi and Cody have been quietly living together on their farm, caring for their animals and prepping to build their first home. Amidst the busyness of everyday life, wedding planning was not at the forefront of their minds, so instead of planning a big event they decided to simply and secretly elope in the backyard. They called up an officiant and asked him to witness their vows, and didn’t tell a soul. Afterwards, they asked me to drive up and take a few photos that they could share with family and friends to announce their good news. We snagged some totally casual photos in the gorgeous autumn leaves, as well as some lovely shots in their wedding attire – Brandi in work boots and a dress she ordered online from Lulu’s, and Cody in a shirt, jacket, and his favorite jeans.

These two were beyond joyful, and a perfect reminder of what weddings are all about – your love for one another. Wherever, however, with whomever you want to celebrate – it’s about you two.